Teacher Development
The Challenge:
It's August--time to launch the school year. But wait, your school principal and math instructional coach are taking simultaneous leaves just as teachers are due to return for Summer PD. How will we train new staff? How will we coach teachers? How will we support the rest of the leadership team in their newly expanded roles?
The Solution:
A former principal steeped in school year launches, Dana stepped in to support the onboarding of new staff and helped to bridge leadership gaps in the absence of two powerhouse leaders. This boots-on-the-ground coaching ensured continuity and fostered growth for teachers and leaders.
The Results:
Let’s let the teacher data speak for itself. One teacher coached by DCC saw 25% growth in student proficiency in the 8 weeks of our support. Another teacher receiving coaching from DCC led the grade team in the highest overall student proficiency! Upon reflection of her experience working with DCC, one teacher said, “DCC was a resource made available to me at a time when I needed it most. Without a doubt, my school, my students, and I all benefitted. DCC has crafted the art of bringing out the best in teachers and has the results & data to prove it. The team at DCC are also excellent at working with different personalities, approaches to teaching, and styles of teaching.”